Catching up

I know I haven't posted any #creative366project photos for a while and this Friday, looking through my albums, I realized that I was 2 weeks behind on posting!

I've been taking a photo every day, at least that has been consistent, but with all the other photowalks/events happening, I just haven't had time to go through and upload the daily project photos. So – I'm catching up by uploading them all at once :p

The downside is that I don't get to write a post for each shot, but I think that's ok. I will write about today's photo though, which is probably my favorite of the lot anyway. 🙂

As I was walking home from my station, I was snapping (or trying to anyway) pictures of the falling sakura petals. I wasn't having much luck, so when I reached this little tiny playground across the street from my apartment, I pulled out Danbo-kun and started trying to take something interesting. I got some shots but felt that they were still kind of "meh", so kept trying, when suddenly these 4 kids came bursting onto the playground.

At first they watched me pose Danbo-kun all over place, and I heard them comment that Danbo-kun was "kawaii" (^^)
They soon got over their shyness though, and started running around tossing petals all over. They even tossed a couple handful of petals on me, and I couldn't help but grin because they were having so much fun. Kids are awesome. 😀

I kept trying to maneuver Danbo-kun into a shot so that I could capture the petals falling on him, and got this shot out of sheer luck – I just love how it all came together, really by luck. The falling petals, the expressions on their faces, the way they are all looking at Danbo-kun… all just right. 🙂

This is really probably my favorite #creative366project shot so far this year 🙂

Good night from Tokyo and have a good weekend all!

In album Creative 366 Project (12 photos)

April 13, 2012 – Sakura fun

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