Monthly Archives: April 2012


Hidden shrine

A quick post for my #creative366project album (almost a week behind in posting again!) before I head out. This was last Wednesday's shot; a view of the tiny hidden shrine in Toranomon. I had taken a shot of this a couple of weeks before, but hadn't liked the angle so I went back and re-shot till I got something I liked.

It's the "golden week" period in Japan, where Monday, Thursday, and Friday are national holidays. Most people take off Tuesday and Wednesday so that they get the whole week off, but since I'm taking my annual leave later in the month, I'm content with the 2 long weekends 🙂

Hope you all are having a peaceful Monday morning/Sunday night!

(hmm, since it's still Sunday elsewhere in the world… #sacredsunday too!)

In album Creative 366 Project (1 photo)

April 25, 2012 – Hidden shrine

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Post imported by Google+Blog. Created By Daniel Treadwell.


That's some tight parking

I took the day off on Tuesday to attend a funeral reception in Nagano. Due to that, and the long drive to/from Tokyo that was required (spent about 7+ hours driving), I didn't get to shoot much.

This image was taken at a rest stop on the way back to Tokyo – apparently, the owners of the little truck either hadn't put up their side brakes (or it simply slipped), but at some point the truck rolled out of its space and came to rest against another person's car (the guy in the brown suit below).

I saw the expression on the face of the truck owner – he was completely dumbfounded when he came out the rest area to find his vehicle backed up as it was, with the highway cops calling out his truck license plate. At least no one was hurt.


In album Creative 366 Project (1 photo)

April 24, 2012 – That's some tight parking

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Post imported by Google+Blog. Created By Daniel Treadwell.


Double Vision

I had intended to post another 366 photo, but was too tired to work on it last night so here's one from the archives.

Taken a while back at the park where I do taichi – these little twin brothers just looked too cute. 🙂


In album On The Streets Of Tokyo (1 photo)

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Post imported by Google+Blog. Created By Daniel Treadwell.


Split reflection

Don't have much of anything to say right now as I'm literally nodding off as I type this. Shot was taken this Monday, on my way back from lunch. I saw this man, noticed his reflection, and fired off a quick shot. The angle wasn't quite right though, but as he still hadn't noticed me I repositioned myself to accentuate the reflection and shot again before he moved a split second later.

Was happy enough 🙂

Good night / oyasumi from Tokyo!


In album Creative 366 Project (1 photo)

April 23, 2012 – Split reflection

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Post imported by Google+Blog. Created By Daniel Treadwell.


To post or not to post?

I pondered for a while about whether or not to include this image as part of my #creative366project album. On one hand, this is a serious situation, and personal as well (for the person on the ground). On the other hand, it was an unusual event, and something that I did not want to forget.

I was on the subway and this was the first thing I saw immediately upon stepping out at Ginza on Sunday. I already had my camera in hand at the time and instinctively fired off a shot, without even thinking. I then felt awkward, because it was obviously a serious situation.

As I walked past, additional train attendants dashed by with blankets to form a "screen" of sorts around the prone man, and then people wearing paramedic uniforms and carrying AED/defibrillators followed them moments later.

I chose not to hang around because it felt ghoulish, and simply not appropriate. However, I can't help but wonder what happened to the man. When one generally comes across people in this position on the subway, it's usually because they've had a tipple (or five) too many. Given the paramedics rushing to the scene, perhaps the man experienced a heart attack?

Either way, I don't think I'll ever know. But I do wonder.

In album Creative 366 Project (1 photo)

April 22, 2012 – To post or not to post?

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Post imported by Google+Blog. Created By Daniel Treadwell.


Thundering by under the gaze of the beer building

This shot was taken on Saturday, when I was so lazy I stayed home and did nothing but bake and eat pizza. The only exercise I got that day was to hop on my bicycle and head out to a location not far from the Tokyo Sky Tree for my daily photo. (see, the #creative366project is also good for promoting exercise!)

I played around with long exposures for a bit, and also shot the Sky Tree itself of course, but chose this particular image to go in the album because I thought it was a bit more interesting.

For those not familiar with the "beer building" reference in the title, I'm talking about the Asahi Beer Headquarters, that building in the back that is supposed to resemble a ginormous mug of beer:

Edit to add image info:
– D90
– 16mm
– F16
– 30 sec exposure

Right, off to bed, g'night from Tokyo!

In album Creative 366 Project (1 photo)

April 21, 2012 – Thundering by under the gaze of the beer building

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Post imported by Google+Blog. Created By Daniel Treadwell.


What horrors lie within?

I am quite behind on uploading my #creative366project photos again – there's just been too much going on. Though I don't upload them, I'm still taking them every day – even when there's not much time or interesting subject matter (today was one of those days too).

This was last Friday's, in Kiba (I was working offsite that day) – I came across this very tightly sealed doorway. You can't see them, but I was also shooting through a chain-link fence.

I couldn't help but wonder what they were trying to keep locked away.

Going to bed now as I need to be up in a little over 5 hours – g'night from Tokyo!

In album Creative 366 Project (1 photo)

April 20, 2012 – What horrors lie within?

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Post imported by Google+Blog. Created By Daniel Treadwell.


So how was your weekend?

Me… I went lazy – at least on Saturday. After crashing on Friday night around 9PM(!) and sleeping for nearly 10 hours straight, I chose to spend all day at home on Saturday (except for a very brief walk/bike ride to photograph stuff for my 366 project).

Not only was I lazing about at home, I was a bit of a glutton… I made and devoured 3 pizzas single-handedly. Yeah… I know… I'm trying to lose weight and this does absolutely nothing towards that goal, but sometimes… you just gotta have pizza.

For anyone curious – I followed this recipe for the dough:

Sauce/toppings were whatever I happened to have handy in the fridge.

No spectacular photography here (in many cases I was balancing the bowl/tray in one hand while holding my camera in the other hand so many shots turned out blurry), but hey, it was fun – and tasty.

I now return you to your regular programming, and will resume my 366 shots tomorrow. 🙂

G'night all!

In album Food! (10 photos)

Dissolving yeast

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Post imported by Google+Blog. Created By Daniel Treadwell.


In album Food!

Sauce, pepperoni, mozzarella, olives… and an egg!

Google+: View post on Google+

Post imported by Google+Blog. Created By Daniel Treadwell.