Hard to believe that it's already been 3 years since G+ was launched. I've met some great folks on here, people that have educated and inspired my little photography hobby, people that I have come to meet in real life and been glad to call friends.
Yesterday a large group of us in Tokyo gathered to celebrate the 3rd year anniversary of G+ by spending the day shooting at various locations around Tokyo. Despite the bad weather, a very large group assembled and we all had a great time thanks to the super organizational efforts of +kyoko doi , +mica nagami , +masanobu tanzawa , +Y?ki Sakurai +N Koizumi +Takahiro Yanai , +Takafumi Ooshio , and +ei takeuchi – thanks guys! 🙂
We started off at Haneda airport, which turned out to be a pretty cool location to shoot in. An airport is like a condensed city in a way, with cool structures and people of all kinds bustling to and fro – lots of things to see.
As I'm still going through my images, I'll upload them in 2 batches: Haneda and post-Haneda. Have a good weekend all! 🙂
#cooljapan #100tokyo #hanedaairport #GPlusPhotoWalkJapan
#Gplus3yearAnniversary #Gplus3yearPW_tokyo #airport ?