A coworker recently bought an iPad and I had a chance to play around with it for a bit.
It’s a nifty device, and like any other geek I had fun messing around with it – c’mon, it’s a new toy! That being said though, I do not see myself getting one any time soon.
I’ve never really jumped on the Apple bandwagon. (I got my first ever iPod last month – because it was given to me) Yet I have to admit, the interface, the convenience, the simple usability of Apple’s products tend to be spot-on. In fact, I’m considering (just considering mind you) getting an iPhone when the 4.0 OS comes out. (but I also plan on looking at available Android models as well)
The iPad really does feel like a gigantic iPhone though. The screen space is certainly enticing, and browsing entire websites or using the various reading apps available is a treat. I think that as a media/entertainment device, it will (and already has) appeal to a large number of people. My coworker got it specifically because he’s able to read download and read entire newspapers while on the train.
For me though, the appeal isn’t quite strong enough for me to rush out and buy it. It’s heavier than my Kindle, and I already read too much on that to feel the need to get another e-reading device. I’ll be sticking with what I have for the time being. 🙂
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