+Ivan Makarov is putting out the call for the next Plus One charity effort, this time a photo magazine. Anyone can submit an entry, and details are here: https://plus.google.com/u/0/106711803105103787711/posts/SwKc9CJEGr3
The theme is architecture. To be honest, I haven't taken that many architecture shots before even though Tokyo offers some fantastic opportunities for such types of photography. Since I'm traveling in a few days and will be away for a couple of weeks, I just picked the first building that came to mind (the Tokyo International Forum) and took a few shots this afternoon with the result you see below.
It's already been uploaded to the #plusoneissue1 album on SmugMug here: http://plusonemagazine.smugmug.com/Other/issue1/22992178_G2FCZS#!i=1855116102&k=2cVM6bs
There are lots of fantastic entries already submitted, check them out when you have the chance! I believe voting on the photos will start from next week, so be sure to keep up with Ivan's posts. 🙂
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