My wittle brudder

Joshua (whom I’ve previously referred to as “J4”) has just started up his own blog.  We both share the same initials, so technically “njmatsuya” could apply to either of us, but by virtue(?) of being the oldest (and the one who’s working full-time so I can afford it), I claimed the domain first, muahahaha. 😛

However, I created a separate subdomain for him and he’s setup his own gallery and blog at:

So far he’s doing a better job than I am at updating/writing – let’s see if he keeps it up over the long term. 😉

-edited because as my wittelest brudder pointed out, we DON’T share the same initials!  That’s J3!  Don’t know how I mixed that up… and no, it’s NOT due to old age… I hope. (T_T;


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