I rarely (ie never) win contests of any sort, so this was pretty cool to get 2nd place!
Thanks to +Juan Gonzalez as always for organizing this, and to +holger feroudj , without whom there wouldn't be a Tokyo chapter of Drink and Click! 😉
We've got the December Drink and Click get-together coming up soon – this Friday in fact! So those of you in the area, check out +holger feroudj 's post here: https://plus.google.com/u/0/events/chuqg8s49980jb8e755o9gi67ok
Join us if you can! 🙂
Reshared post from +Juan Gonzalez
The 1st Place Winner for Drink and Click ™ November Chapter Wide Challenge – Panning is +Claire SK from Our Tokyo, Japan Chapter
+Claire SK Won a certificate for one AlienBees B400 flash units or $225 to used towards the purchase of any Paul C. Buff Gear. http://www.paulcbuff.com/b400.php
2nd place +Jeff Matsuya won an awesome +BlackRapid strap
3rd place Jason Cook which I can't tag for some reason but +Sara Collaton and +Vincent McMillen might know. He Won One Pixel Pocket Rocket™ and One Pee Wee Pixel Pocket Rocket™ from +Think Tank Photo
Please email me your address to drinkandclick@gmail.com so I can ship your prizes over. Congratulations guys!
You want to participate on a Drink and Click event? Visit www.drinkandclick.com and see if your city has a chapter.
Thanks to the judges +Scott Jarvie, +Tamara Pruessner, +Sara Eleta and +Lotus Carroll for helping us select the winners.
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