Tag Archives: moving


Before and after, part 2

After loading all I own in this world onto the mover’s truck, he drove off while I took a train (there just wasn’t enough space left in the truck for me to go along).  As a result I got there a little earlier than he did, and I took the time to snap a few shots of my new place – before the deluge of boxes and miscellany inundated it.  See below. 🙂

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Fast forward one hour later, and this was how it looked.

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And yes, I’m still going through and cleaning/organizing/unpacking everything.  Happily, at least half of of the boxes have been unpacked.  Of the remaining boxes/stuff, at least 2/3 of it consists of books that I don’t have shelves for yet.  The final 1/3 is lots of little random items and assorted paperwork that I really need to organize…



I wrote a post previously on what my old room looked like BEFORE the move (actually added a couple more pictures to that gallery) and now here are the “after” pictures of my previous place.

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I think I did a pretty good job cleaning actually.  Stayed up all night long packing, and finished pretty much literally when the mover rang the doorbell.  While he started loading the van, I had time to do a quick dusting over of things, and even vaccuum so timing-wise, everything worked out pretty well. 🙂


Weight-lifting equipment!

I had planned to post more last night but these days I really feel extremely drained by around 23:00 and just sitting down to relax is usually enough to knock me out… I used to be able to stay up so late! 🙁

Oh well… I’m going to be going back in time a little, to document the moving process now, so here goes!

The boxes below  do double-duty – they not only contain everything I own in this world, but they also serve as my exercise equipment.  Large, extremely cumbersome, and absolutely not ergonomic, they have nonetheless been providing me with quite a workout as I fill them up and carry them downstairs all on my lonesome.

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As you can see, they also multiply!

In case you’re wondering, they’re all different sizes and are covered with quite random text because I picked them up for free from a nearby clothing shop (uniqlo) and drugstore (sundrug).  These are boxes that are going to be thrown away so the folks at these shops are happy to give them away to anyone who’s willing to pick them up.  Considering that new boxes can cost $1-$2 dollars (100-200 JPY), it’s a good way to save some money 🙂



Too much packing, no time for blogging!!

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Figured it would be interesting to have “before and after” pictures of my current place.  So without further ado – here are a few pictures of my place before I started packing!

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The “after” images will come later… because I’m still working on getting to that stage (>_<;



It’s possible (just possible mind you), that I might have a… a somewhat largish number of books… 

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I’m hoping I can put those in the picture into one (large) box.  I already have 5-6 other boxfuls packed, but these are the last of them…

Wooo… back to packing…


A key in hand…

…is worth…two…in…the landlord’s hands?  That was horrible, and I don’t even know what I was trying to say. :p 

However!  That’s a picture of my key – it’s now officially “my place” (even though nothing’s in it yet….)  I’ll post a lengthier write-up at some later point about the application process, payment (UGH, the payment), and moving, but for now I’ll (try) to make do with mini-updates about the packing/moving process – starting with the picture of my key. 🙂

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Also, the move will actually be happening on Wednesday since the mover was booked Mon/Tue, so that gives me a little breathing space.  And now, back to packing!!


It’s happening!

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After…. goodness, almost a year, it looks like I’m finally ready to move!  I concluded part 4 of my “Apartment Hunting” series of posts by mentioning that I had found one potential apartment.  And… I found out on Tuesday that the last obstacle (guarator documents) went through successfully so I will be getting it!

There will be more writeups about the application process (mostly involves a lot of waiting on my part) and of course the move!  As a heads up though, since the move will be happening THIS WEEKEND (ohmygoshthatslessthanaweekaway), blog posts may be a little infrequent for a while…

So much to think about, to buy, to pack, to arrange… Ze money, it vanishes before my eyes!! 😯